security policy analysis

Do NIST policies/standards help or hinder organizations? Why or why not?
—Are NIST policies/standards easy to use and understand? Why or why not?
—Should the NIST policies/standards apply to commercial organizations not involved in government contracting? Why or why not?
No plagiarism, all original content with references. PLEASE DO NOT WASTE MY TIME!

1. Be concise.  You should have no more than 2 3 paragraphs and no more than a half a screen. 

2. Keep your personal opinion to a minimum meaning provide a well informed response that is supported in the literature.

3.. Make sure to use a scholarly source for at least one of your posts. This means it needs to come from a peer reviewed journal, or alternatively an official document such as a NIST standard.

4. Last but NOT LEAST !  Don’t post “I agree” and then state the obvious. I’ve reduced the quantity requried for Discussions so you can focus on the QUALITY. 

Don’t forget to spell/grammer check your posts

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