internation business paper 1

These questions pertain to the Zara case study which you will need to read for our class discussion. This assignment should be 3 5 pages I am thinking. Be clear and concise and use bullets if would like where practical. To answer these questions, you should also read chapters 12 and 13. Make sure you put your name and refer to any sources you use. I would also advise you to do some independent research on Zara in magazines like Fortune, Forbes, etc. The founder of Zara is Mr. Gaona (see who is one of the richest dudes in the world, so there is quite a bit of information on him and the company. I would also advise you to go visit a store. 1. How does Zara’s advantage travel globally? * Here you should explain and analyze how Zara’s structure travels in other parts of the world fashion, pricing, costs, etc. 2. What do you think of Zara’s past international strategy? Evaluate its past strategy for Product (market selection), its mode of entry (e.g. franchising, etc) and its standardization of marketing approach. 3. What is the best way to grow the Zara chain internationally? Where do you think (what region) would make most sense?
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