business 2836232 2

student # 1 

Adam Beck



 1. The autocratic style might be more helpful in organizations where people need to focus on one goal or when there’s a time crunch and the leader needs to be absolutely listened to at all times. There might be others, but these two seem to be the most important determinants in the possible success of an autocratic leader.

I suspect autocrats would absolutely thrive under time crunch conditions. In this case, there’s no time for democratic processes to occur. The team needs to be on the same page quickly in order to keep up with the demands of the workplace. In some jobs, you simply can’t afford to listen to dissent because it would inhibit your company’s ability to function.

The other place I mentioned above is the need to focus on one goal. In some cases, you want creative people thinking outside the box and coming up with ideas and suggestions. However, in some cases, your company wants to lunge at a goal with monomaniacal intent. If you really need to keep people’s noses to the ground and pursuing after a single goal, an autocratic leader would be great.


2. Google seems to have a free range style because they are a company with many different ideas going on at the same time. This is a company that, just within the software world, is pursuing goals such as keeping their search engine on top, creating social networks, and maintaining acquired sites like Youtube. This is a company that wants to make sure that people are constantly coming up with creative ideas to reposition their products (Google Plus really needs it).

Google also has multiple ambitious projects going outside of the software world. They’re sponsoring a prize to help space companies get to the Moon, trying to help create a quantum computer, and you also have their balloon wi fi hotspots technology. That’s a lot of different, out there programs that require people to be more free in order to solve problems.

In addition to this, the free rein style was likely influenced by the co founders. They found themselves able to build the biggest search engine in the world and succeeded at running the company this way. There’s an old saying: “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” Google has succeeded with this formula, so there’s no reason to change it.


3. The similarities that many successful leaders share is the fact that they’re considered builders or visionaries. At the top level of a company, it really matters much more that an executive is good at looking into the future and keeping the company ahead of competitors. This requires a CEO to be able to properly balance risk and reward. 

A CEO needs to be able to read the figurative tea leaves to see where her/his business is heading in the next few years. They need to stay on top of developments and remain intellectually curious. It’s when you say “Well, this current business model is fine, so we’ll just stick through with it through thick and thin.” They’ll stay with those ideas, even if the become outdated or were impractical from the start. A CEO needs to know how to change.

They also need to be able to really look at the company and know how to make sure it remains properly organized. You can’t just focus on R&D and keep looking outward. You have to look inward as well. Leaders should always be weighing their options and deciding how many employees to add or how their resources should be allocated.


your anser 





student # 2 

Natalie Jewett


1. An autocratic style may be suitable for certain organizations because some people or companies work better when they are under strong leadership. When you have a stricter boss or under stronger management, some people can work harder and better that way. When a decision needs to be made quickly, it can be done without going through different groups of people to get their opinions on the situation.

Talking about something more familiar, group projects. If you assigned to a group project and nobody in that group wants to take control, then you will most likely have a hard time getting the project done and will be marked down for organization. You probably would not want someone that takes too much control either because that would be annoying. You need something that is in between.

2. I think Google has a free rein style of leadership because things are constantly changing everyday. The environment, politics, celebrities, and anything else people might look up on Google is constantly changing on a daily basis. If one person is making all the decisions on Google and determines what is being sear filtered and in what order, I do not think that would be very effective. One person cannot keep track of everything that is going on in the world at all times, so the more brains that are working for the organization, the better.

3. The similarity that many successful leaders share despite differences in leadership style is their overall vision. Besides being separated into the three categories (autocratic, democratic, and free rein), leaders tend to be very determined to get their message or product out there and they will stop at nothing to achieve what they want. They usually have good communication techniques with either the public or their workers in order to convey their specific message.

They also have to have a high level of confidence because they are stepping up into the world to present something that they believe can make a difference. If a leader presents his or her idea to the world, then they must have complete commitment to their product, idea, or workers in order to be successful. To be a leader, it takes courage, intuition, creativity, and the ability to inspire. 


your anser 



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