easy writer martial arts bjj blog post

Howdy 😇
So posting this as a little feedback/job builder, mainly aimed at new tutors or those with a specific interest in the area!

Martial Arts involved; Brazillian Jiu Jitsu, Judo, Karate, Wrestling, Kickboxing.

I need a blog post written on one of the pages/sections/area of this website
Choose one under “Useful Information”, but please let me know which one you choose before writing it!

Looking for around 250 words; with a suitable picture (preferbly stock or ability to use without being copyrighted to death!)
Word Doc. Anything used reference-wise please link on the outline or at the end of the blog post (no citations required).
NO copy and paste.

Blog Post

I’m looking for people who have sports/martial arts listed in their bios specifically; to show you’re knowledgeable around the subject (it’s easy to change in the next 10 minutes if you’re that keen 😎)
The reason is I’ll likely have follow up work over the coming weeks/months for you in the same area.
Happy to tip a little more for good work!

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