For Henry Only- 800-1000 word Essay answering Every question


Assignment Guidelines


Address the following in 800–1,000 words:


Identify and discuss the historical development of corrections in the United States and its influences.


How has corrections evolved since the early years of the United States? Explain.


What were the major milestones in corrections throughout U.S. history? Explain.


◦Define penitentiary.


From where was the concept derived? Explain.


◦Describe and explain the rationale behind the following models:


Penitence model


Reformatory model


Medical model


Reintegration model


Community-based corrections


Crime-control model


◦Discuss the major components and pros and cons of each above model. 


Which model is mainly used today? Provide examples.


Be sure to reference all sources using APA style. (At least 2 reliable references)


Must have cover page, abstract, body, and reference page


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