health 10 you will submit 3 documents 3 day food log from my fitness pal you may want to screen shot each day nutrition chart and essay

This week you will examine your current eating habits. The key to completing this assignment is starting it early in the week. You will be required to log in all your food for 3 consecutive days and then analyze the outcomes. I would highly recommend you use My Fitness Pal (Links to an external site.) to track your food, however you can use a different program or app if you are comfortable with that.

Nutrition Assignment Chart.docx – Fill in all the spaces on the chart in calories not in grams

The grams must be converted to calories in order to fill out this chart.

Nutrition Assignment Example.docx – Here I have completed the nutrition data chart based on 3 days of food consumption taken from My Fitness Pal

Nutrition Assignment Rubric.pdf – This is how you will be graded on the assignment

How to use My FItness Pal.docx

*** You will submit 3 documents – 3 day food log (from My Fitness Pal – you may want to screen shot each day), nutrition chart, and essay ***


1. 3 day food log you can do thorugh My Fitness Pal (Links to an external site.) 2. Nutrition chart you can do on here Nutrition Assignment Chart.docx – 3. For the essay you need to do 1 page double spaced regarding what you discovered about your diet and talk about How your macronutrient percentages (percentage of carbs, fat, and protein) compare to what is recommend for you and How your total calories compare to what is recommend for you?

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