History 1877 Discussion

  1. In 1808, the (legal) international slave trade ended. Over the next fifty years, the American South developed a complex slave society. Choose one element of that society (plantation owners, white yeoman, free African-Americans, plantation slaves, city slaves) and, writing from that perspective, describe how you fit into the slave society. What is your role in the economy? Who do you interact with on a daily basis? What laws and rules govern your life? How do you feel about slavery??
  2. What were the main social, political, and economic factors in the early nineteenth century that encouraged the massive physical expansion of the United States??
  3. How did the woman’s role in American society change between the Revolution and the Civil War? How did it stay the same? In your answer, consider a woman’s place in the public and private spheres.?
  4. Historians have long debated whether the Civil War was an inevitable “impending crisis” or an avoidable conflict brought on by a “blundering generation” of leaders. Which assessment do you think is more accurate? Why??
  5. E. B. Du Bois—a scholar, activist, and the founder of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People—referred to Reconstruction as a “splendid failure.” What do you think he meant? How did Reconstruction fail? What was, nevertheless, splendid about the effort?


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