Michelangelo and Judgement Day Questions

I’m working on a history multi-part question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.


3. Answer the following questions: 1. What was Michelangelo’s last name? ____________________________________ 2. Where was Michelangelo from? ________________________________________ 3. What years did Michelango live? ________________________________________ 4. What years did he paint the ceiling frescos in the Sistine Chapel? ________________ 5. What years did he paint the Judgement Day wall fresco? _______________________ 6. How many frescoes did he paint in 5 years? ______________ 7. What is a fresco? 8. How are Michelango’s ceiling frescoes tied in with the Renaissance? 9. Who were the Sybils? Where were they from? 10. List 5 Bible Scenes painted in the Frescoes: 11. List 5 Prophets shown in the frescoes: 12. What is the Judgement Day fresco about? Who are the main people in it?

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