solutionspro 42

Hello Solutions Pro, here are the remaining DB response to classmates Thank you so much.

Week 5 Philosophy DB response to classmates (cont.):

Michael Williams                          

Re:Unit5 Discussion Board
A planning firm name Verlon want Echo Industries to host one of their upcoming event for the corporate convention and the president of Verlon has ask Vice President Sanders  of Echo Industries to do the honors of host this major event for Verlon. Mr. Sanders ask David who also employed by Echo Industries. Mr. Smith is a research supplier and a vendor for his company and Mr. Sanders told Mr. Smith that there is no need to research Verlon because he knows them well. As part of the contract agreement, its states under the ethical stipulation policies that awards cannot be paid out to any family members who holds upper management positions within the company.  Mr. Smith conducted a research on Velon and finding out that the president of Verlon is the ex sister in –law of the vice president of Echo industries. Now, the finance manager Mr. Young ask Mr. Smith is the company Verlon is reputable  source or are  they a conflict of interest according to company’s polices .                                                                                         Well according to the scenario of the situation, the vice president is unaware that Mr. Smith has done his deontological ethics according to company procedures.  Although, Mr. Sanders ask Mr. Smith not to research Verlon because he can vouch for the company because they past relationship with the company and that should not interfere with David’s job because that is company’s policies under their contract. Regardless to John being the boss, he still has someone to answer to. Now what if to say that Mr. Young blows a whistle when he finds out the Mr. Smith and Mr. Sanders fail to comply to company’s policies there will still be consequences. Now from a deontological perspective, what would I do if I was Mr. Smith? I will still research the other company because that is my job and I must apply myself to company procedure and policies regardless the outcome and because of the deontological argument it applies to regardless of power or authority in work place. Mr. Smith needs to understand moral relativism, moral objectivism, highly effective leader, and ethical decision making. ( Valentine, B. 2006).                                                                 Should David have discussed the research he found out about the company Verlon before the meeting with Mr. Sanders? Yes! Why? Because due to all respect, Mr. Sanders need to know what is going on and sure as vice president he is aware of company’s policies. Mr. Smith should told him regardless the outcome and this will follow under highly effective leader which states that produces an image of professionalism and a commitment to performing its responsibility to the community with the highest degree of integrity and also save company time besides embarrassment . The risk is that David can be terminated by Mr. Sanders for not following a direct order which is grounds of subornation.  What ramifications answer will Mr. Smith will have for the companies? That under both company’s policies and contract; it will be a conflict of interest due to the president of Verlon was related to the vice president of Echo Industries through marriage. Although this is his ex sister in law, through family shares it would not be appropriate because of company code of ethics.                                                                                                                                                                                  What library sources I will use support my position and how they different from my ideas? I will use cybrary 2.0 and use this source Because everyone has a different opinion, and it is good to get a second opinion what make it a reliable source.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Have you ever been placed in a situation such as this one? What decisions did you have to make? What was the outcome? No! I having never been in an ethical dilemma, but because of my morals I would have done what is right regardless if up for a promotion or not sometimes it back fires on you and far as outcome I will be can bless for doing the right thing.                                                                                       c5c0 4930 99e5 2640144abe1c%40sessionmgr4005&vid=2&hid=4203&bquery=moral+relativism%2c&bdata=JmRiPWxpaCZjbGkwPUZUJmNsdjA9WSZ0eXBlPTEmc2l0ZT1laG9zdC1saXZl Retrieved May 26, 2014.                                                                 Bowles, W., Collingridge, M., Curry, S., & Valentine, B. (2006). Ethical practice in social work: An applied approach. Crows Nest, New South Wales, Australia: Allen & Unwin. Retrieved May 26, 2014.
Jacqueline Stephens             

Re:Unit5 Discussion Board

Part 1:


According to Kant (n.d.) deontological arguments state that “Moral action is valuable in itself, regardless of it’s result.”  In David’s case, he should share his findings with the cooperation.  There is a clear violation of conflict of interest in the case, so much that the Vice President was trying to hide it.  I would hope that the President of the company would see David was following protocol if the Vice President attempted to demote or fire David.

From a preparation stand point, David should discuss his findings with his boss before the meeting.   That leaves the element of surprise out of the meeting and time for his boss to digest the findings and figure out the proper procedure to handle the situation.  

A risk with discussing his findings before hand would be that David’s boss would become upset that David went against his wishes and conducted the research.  Although his boss may become upset,  that would not be legal grounds to fire him as he was following company protocol, protecting the reputation of his company, and of himself as a representative of that company.  I also think it shows just how honest David is, which is something many people lack these days, and shows he is a valuable team member and contributer.  David may get demoted or have a pay cut, he could get a raise, or nothing could change as he was just doing his job.  

I used the M.U.S.E. references and I believe my ideas are in line with what I have read.  I believe in moral codes, doing what is moral or right in a situation.  I feel like rules are created for a reason and are to be followed without question.


Part 2:


Personally, I have never been in this type of a situation.  If I ever find myself in one similar, I would follow protocol regardless of the situation. 


Kant, Immanuel. (n.d.). Retrieved from






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