which following occurred after civil war answer plantation owners lost their free labor sout

Which of the following occurred after the Civil War? Answer Plantation owners lost their free labor. Southern infrastructure was left intact. Plantations were given to the freed African Americans. none of the above 1 points Question 2 Which of the following is a term given to farmers who rented land to farm? Answer tenant farmer sharecropper carpetbagger both a and b 1 points Question 3 The Freedman’s Bureau was established by Answer the federal government. state governments. charity organizations. churches. 1 points Question 4 ________ prior to the end of Reconstruction. Answer Northern support for reconstruction increased The number of military troops increased in the South White southern Democrats took control of state government all of the above 1 points Question 5 Whose Republican group wanted full equality for African Americans after the Civil War? Answer Andrew Johnson Rutherford Hayes Abraham Lincoln Charles Sumner 1 points Question 6 The Transcontinental Railroad connected Answer Oregon and Washington, D.C. Texas and Chicago. New York and California. Kansas and Utah. 1 points Question 7 The Timber Culture Act gave land to setters who Answer cut down timber for homes. planted trees on the land. cleared land for industry. none of the above 1 points Question 8 A common use for sod by settlers in the Great Plains was to Answer build houses. burn for fuel. plant cotton. none of the above 1 points Question 9 Which of the following statements is true? Answer Most Native American families in the late 1800s were living on their own land under the Dawes Severalty Act. Most Native Americans in the late 1800s died from disease. Most Native Americans in the late 1800s were either dead or living on reservations. none of the above 1 points Question 10 Who built the Union Pacific track of the Transcontinental Railroad? Answer Leland Stanford Thomas Durant Cornelius Vanderbilt John D. Rockefeller 1 points Question 11 Where were the first factories built? Answer South America Asia Europe Canada 1 points Question 12 Select the statement below that is true. Answer Many girls worked in cotton mills to pay for their college education. Many girls worked in cotton mills to get free schooling Many girls worked in cotton mills to pay for a male family member’s education Many girls worked in cotton mills because there were no other opportunities for women. 1 points Question 13 Patents were issued to Answer inventors. manufacturers. government employees. laborers. 1 points Question 14 In which type of system does supply and demand control price? Answer merchant economic system command economic system free market economic system all of the above 1 points Question 15 He built a laboratory in Menlo Park, NJ. Answer Alexander Graham Bell William Kelley Thomas Alva Edison Lewis Latimer 1 points Question 16 He made money in the banking industry. Answer John P. Morgan Andrew Carnegie John D. Rockefeller Henry Clay Frick 1 points Question 17 Carnegie Steel Corporation is an example of Answer horizontal integration. vertical integration. economies of scale. cartels. 1 points Question 18 This act made it illegal to buy up companies in the same industry to gain a competitive advantage. Answer Sherman Antitrust Act Pendleton Civil Service Act Spoils System Act none of the above 1 points Question 19 _______ industry gained the most people during the period between 1880 and 1890. Answer Trade and transportation Agriculture, fisheries, and mining Professional service Manufacturing and mechanical 1 points Question 20 This legislation called for the creation of civil service tests. Answer Pendleton Civil Service Act Civil Service Commission Spoils Act none of the above 1 points Question 21 _________ control(s) production in a Capitalistic economy. Answer Supply and demand Workers Government Competitors 1 points Question 22 Factory workers’ demands included ______________ in the late 1800s. Answer company stock shorter working hours insurance all of the above 1 points Question 23 Wobblies are members of Answer the Knights of Labor. Industrial Workers of the World. American Federation of Labor. Collective Guilds. 1 points Question 24 In union terms, scabs Answer led boycotts. called for strikes. were hired to replace striking workers. were anarchists. 1 points Question 25 He led the American Federation of Labor. Answer Henry Frick Terence Powderly Eugene Debs Sam Gompers
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