write 1750 2100 word debate paper which you create debate current event or other controversi

Resource: Debate Paper Outline


Write a 1,750- to 2,100-word debate paper in which you create a debate of a current event or other controversial topic and provide an analysis of arguments presented for both sides. Complete the following sections in the paper:

  • Introduction: Introduce the issue that is the subject of the debate.
  • Body
    • Include a minimum of two but no more than four arguments for the pro and con sides of the debate.
    • Evaluate any potential ethical, moral, or legal issues.
  • Conclusion
    • Identify what you determined is the more persuasive argument.
    • Reflect on the arguments presented and reveal your consensus.
    • Base the conclusion solely on the pro and con arguments.
    • Include a rebuttal of weaker arguments.
    • Explain why the selected arguments were more persuasive.

Cite at least three sources.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

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