elements balance sheet

Using DuPont analysis is a quick and relatively easy way to assess the overall health of a firm. Go to finance.yahoo.com and choose a company by entering the company name in the box to the left of “Get Quotes.” Please use SPRINT CORPORATION. Once you have the company overview page open, to the left you will see a list of links for further information on that firm. Near the bottom of the link column are financial statements. Open the firm’s Income Statement and Balance Sheet and use the information there to calculate all parts of the DuPont Ratio for the past three years; Report each ratio value as well as the numerator and denominator of each of the 4 ratios for the past 3 years (12 ratios in total).  Discuss the trends revealed in each ratio.  Please be sure to note your firm’s name in the title of your post and please do not duplicate firms.  

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