Unit 9: Unit 9: The Customer/Consumer Stakeholder – Discussion

The Consumer Products Safety Commission (CPSC) and the FDA are two important agencies charged with protecting the U.S. public. As you read about these two agencies, compare them in terms of the scope of their respective influences and authority.

The CPSC website gives information about its mission. Click About CPSC retrieved from http://www.cpsc.gov.

Fee.org, the Foundation for Economic Education© (libertarian website), has an article criticizing the CPSC. Read “Let the Market Protect Consumer Safety” by John Hood retrieved from http://www.thefreemanonline.org/columns/let-the-market-protect-consumer-safety/.

The FDA’s Frequently Asked Questions page provides information about its mission. Read the FAQs retrieved from  http://www.fda.gov/opacom/faqs/faqs.html

The Cato Institute, a libertarian think tank, has a policy analysis that advocates dismantling the FDA. Read “Replace FDA Regulation of Medical Devices with Third-Party Certification,” by Noel Campbell by searching on “Repalce FDA” retrieved from  http://www.cato.org.


How have the CPSC and the FDA affected you as a consumer? Give at least three specific examples. In your opinion, how effective are these agencies in ensuring product safety and quality?


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