CJ 3352 DB #3-9 Need initial post of 50 word answers then (2) follow on responses for each NEED GREAT REVIEWS!!






                                                            Constitutional Law, Kanovitz, 2012

                                                           ISBN: 978-1-4557-3007-6



DB #3  Cite the book as a source

  • What are the grounds for making a lawful investigatory stop under the Fourth Amendment?50 words

  • What are the constitutional requirements for making a constitutional arrest?50 words


  • What are the Fourth Amendment guidelines for the use of force?50 words

Plus 2 responses for me to post to DB later at least 75 words


DB #4  Cite the book as a source

  1. What are the differences between the requirements for a search warrant for people and a search warrant for evidence?50 words

  2. In addition to consent, what are the four theories for searching a vehicle without a warrant?50 words

  3. Why are the standards for police searches of homes so strict?50 words



Plus 2 responses for me to post to DB later at least 75 words



DB #5    Cite the book as a source

  • What is the Katz standard, and how does it govern police surveillance?50 words
  • What types of communications are not regulated by the Wiretap Act?50 words
  • What do police officers need to know about the Wiretap Act?50 words

Plus 2 responses for me to post to DB later at least 75 words


DB #6  Cite the book as a source


  • What is the due process free and voluntary rule, and how does it govern police interrogations?50 words

  • What governs police interrogations when a suspect is in custody?50 words

  • When does the Sixth Amendment right to counsel attach and what are the additional restrictions?

  • 50 words

    What are some restrictions on the use of confessions?50 words

Plus 2 responses for me to post to DB later at least 75 words




DB #7      Cite the book as a source

  1. What is the basis for Fourth Amendment protection against bodily self-incrimination?50 words

  2. When is a search warrant required to search for bodily evidence? 50 words

  3. What is the Sixth Amendment right for the indigent to appointed counsel?  50 words 

  4. What are the Sixth Amendment restrictions on police conduct? 50 words

Plus 2 responses for me to post to DB later at least 75 words


DB #8           Cite the book as a source

  • What is the double jeopardy provision?50 words


  • What are the Sixth Amendment and due process requirements for fair trials?50 words


  • What are the Eight Amendment requirements for punishment?50 words

Plus 2 responses for me to post to DB later at least 75 words


DB #9  Cite the book as a source



What First Amendment rights do police officers have in the government workplace?50 words



What are different types of discrimination that can happen in the government workplace?50 words



What are the consequences for police officers for violating constitutional rights while acting “under color of state law”?50 words


Plus 2 responses for me to post to DB later at least 75 words


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