Final Exam

Attached will be a screenshot of the table of contents from my textbook. If you can use that as a reference of what other cases could be in relation with the essay question. Ideally, the paper has to answer the question using the cases that we have read in our text book. For this, we would look at “H. First Amendment Limitations…” to section 10, data secruity (we skipped that seciton). I am also attaching screenshots of other chapters we have read before in class, the cases that are outlined there are can also be used to back up the analysis of the Alliance reading. We then go into Education policy, we read that from our textbook. I am attaching other articles we read that could help with this essay prompt. Also, the main case that this essay is using “Alliance for Hippocratic…”, that is the case that we are analyzing for this essay prompt. The other readings and the table of contents for cases and theories discussed in class are to be used to back up points from the Allianance of Hippocratic reading and his standing analysis.

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