Question 1 (Multiple Choice Worth 3 points) (02.04 LC) Powers shared by the national and state governments are called implied powers delegated…

Question 1 (Multiple Choice Worth 3 points) (02.04 LC) Powers shared by the national and state governments are called implied powers delegated powers reserved powers concurrent powers Question 2 (Multiple Choice Worth 3 points) (02.04 LC) Expressed powers are granted to the national government by the U.S. Constitution granted to state governments by the U.S. Constitution also referred to as concurrent powers also referred to as reserved powers Question 3 (Multiple Choice Worth 3 points) (02.04 LC) Reserved powers are granted to the national government by the U.S. Constitution granted to state governments by the U.S. Constitution not given to the national government and are retained for state governments not given to the state governments and are retained for the national government Question 4 (Multiple Choice Worth 4 points) (02.04 MC) People who take a “marble cake” view of federalism believe that state governments are too weak to meet most citizen needs state governments are supreme over the national government national and state governments cooperate to meet citizen needs national government should entirely control the state governments Question 5 (Multiple Choice Worth 4 points) (02.04 MC) The first three articles of the U.S. Constitution explain the powers delegated to the national government list the powers implied as belonging to national government explain the powers reserved to the state governments list the powers concurrent to the state governments Question 6 (Multiple Choice Worth 4 points) (02.04 MC) People who take a “layer cake” view of federalism believe that state governments are too weak to meet most citizen needs state governments are supreme over the national government national and state governments must cooperate to meet citizen needs national and state governments are exclusively sovereign in their areas Question 7 (Multiple Choice Worth 4 points) (02.04 MC) Which of the following is an example of a delegated power? state government passes a tax to pay for highway maintenance state government orders the local governments to enforce a law national government creates an air force division of the military national government passes a law that lowers rates of taxation Question 8 (Multiple Choice Worth 4 points) (02.04 MC) Article Four of the U.S. Constitution explains the powers delegated to the national government lists the powers implied as belonging to national government explains the powers reserved to the state governments lists the powers concurrent to the state governments Question 9 (Multiple Choice Worth 4 points) (02.04 MC) A criticism of the American system of federalism is that it is unresponsive when it is faced with a dangerous emergency situation excellent at dealing with emergencies yet inadequate in daily matters inefficient in responding to crises involving multiple levels of government too expensive to maintain as a basic principle in the national government Question 10 (Multiple Choice Worth 4 points) (02.04 MC) Which of the following is an example of an implied power? state government passes a tax to pay for highway maintenance state government orders the local governments to enforce a law national government creates an air force division of the military national government passes a law that lowers rates of taxation Question 11 (Multiple Choice Worth 4 points) (02.04 MC) The Tenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution reserves to the states any powers not delegated to the national government reserves to the national government any powers not delegated to the states implies that certain powers are the responsibility of the national government implies that certain powers are the responsibility of the state governments Question 12 (Essay Worth 9 points) (02.04 HC) In at least two well-written paragraphs, explain the significance of one of the cases below and describe how the case relates to federalism. Culloch v. Maryland, Gibbons v. Ogden, or District of Columbia v. Heller
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