Entries by Florence

police deadly force cases

Police Deadly Force Cases Ok class, you did a great job with last week’s discussion. It is now time to follow up with case studies. I want each of you to pick a case where police used deadly force, research the case, and present the facts to the class. You may also add your own […]


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answer the questions in a essay format

Watch the following PBS Frontline video on the financial industry and its involvement in the 401(k) retirement system and read the accompanying publication: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/film/retirement-gamble/ (Links to an external site.) https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0ahUKEwjFk5Ct-YfUAhVRwWMKHUOuCOkQFggmMAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.demos.org%2Fsites%2Fdefault%2Ffiles%2Fpublications%2FTheRetirementSavingsDrain-Demos_0.pdf&usg=AFQjCNET7cJInkfhUlsT-jvxBtkoMDU_Nw&sig2=A2g0ZPsbXwtT0lu4pMZCuQ&cad=rja (Links to an external site.) Write a minimum of at least three pages on the following questions (size 12 font and double spaced). The paper […]


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consider and discuss the specific risks and nature of the company you will be auditing and create comprehensive work programs for the acquisition payment property plant and equipment fixed assets notes payable and owner s equity accounts and cycles

Submit a 700- to 1,050-word document that includes the following: Audit steps for tests of controls, balances, transactions, analytical procedures, etc. as well as other considerations such as sample size and sample methodology. A brief summary page should be included in this document, 525 to 700 words, for each of the audit programs. Include in […]


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rhetorical writing

For this 1-2 page response paper, please analyze the use of rhetoric in Shayne Koyczan’s poem “To This Day.” You can find the video here and the transcript here. Start with your claim. Keep in mind you are arguing if the piece was or was not rhetorically effective with a summary of your reasoning. We […]


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choose one physical geography related topic

For this assignment, please choose one physical geography related topic that you consider to be important and describe why it matters and what you would like to learn about it. An example of a physical geography related topic could be anything connected to earth science, weather, climate, the earth’s inner structure, natural disasters, and any […]


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naveen week4 homework 1 and 2

Task 1!: Chapter 7 – study questions 1-10, Exercise 2 Chapter 8- study questions 1-10, Exercise 2 refer to this link for chapters : https://opentextbook.site/informationsystems2019/ Task 2: Chapter 6 – Review the section on knowledge creation, culture, and strategy. Explain how balance scorecards impact knowledge creation, culture, and strategy. Why are these important concepts to […]


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case 8 1

Please see the attached case w/ questions.   Looking for a similar assignment? Our writers will offer you original work free from plagiarism. We follow the assignment instructions to the letter and always deliver on time. Be assured of a quality paper that will raise your grade. Order now and Get a 15% Discount! Use […]


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supply chain management and technology measuring customer service

PART 1 This week’s readings suggest that technology is at the center of changes taking place in supply chain management. In this discussion you will take a closer look at innovative technologies that companies are implementing to streamline their supply chain operations and examine how these new technologies have affected their business performance. For your […]


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need help answering 4 questions 175 words per question

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: Discrimination laws vary based on state. Research a recent discriminatory event that happened in your state. Discuss at two laws that were challenged that made this a discriminatory event. What evidence presented itself that determined the discriminatory practice? What was the outcome? Is there a […]


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xavier erm discussion4 replies

no need to provide answer to main que.Please read below student posts and reply each in 150 words. main que :Chapter 18 presented special risk management issues with Blue Wood Chocolates, and chapter 19 presented various financial risks at Kilgore Custom Milling. 1) If Blue Wood Chocolate and Kilgore Custom Milling are to develop a […]


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