diagram help
The rubric below shows the required elements for the following deliverable:
Level 1 Data Flow Diagram for the Record Customer Activities Process
You will need to create a level 1 diagram for the process Record Customer Activities from the level 0 diagram, PE Figure 6-2.
You will need to turn in one level 1 diagram. Review the three level 1 diagrams created by the other team and placed in doc sharing in the Project Workbook – Week 3 folder. So you will need to draw one level 1 diagram. You can use any Microsoft Application; Visio is available for free download or you can use the Citrix iLab; but a lot of students use the draw features of MS Word. We have Visio tutorials available in the lecture and syllabus – give it a try! Visio is the most widely used diagramming tool in business today and you can gain practical experience that can serve both your resume and skill set!! |
Points |
1. Correct Number of Sub-Processes Identified. | 5 |
2. Correct external entities identified. | 3 |
3. Data Flows Drawn correctly. | 4 |
4. Data Stores drawn correctly. | 3 |
Total | 15 |