do this 1000 word paper…PLEASE


Forum Topic Responses: 
One comprehensive forum topic is assigned weekly. Students are required to research their selected forum topic, using a minimum of 3 reference sources in addition to the text book, and then compile a 1,000-word response to the forum topic no later than Day 2 of the week. APA format is required. Submit your forum topic response through Weekly Materials, Week 5, for grading.
Comprehensive, forum topic response contributions will be critically graded on the thought quality of the response, work effort, research, and analysis.
Select one of the following forum topics to research and write about.
Week 5 Forum Topics; Chapters 14, 15:  
-Overview of Cash Distributions
-Theories of Cash Distributions and Firm Value
-Information Content, or Signaling Hypothesis 
-Dividends versus Stock Repurchases 
-Capital Structure Issues 
-Capital Structure Theory: Miller and Modigliani    

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