Learning Resources


Required Resources


  • Course Text: Literature and the Child
    • Chapter 4, “Poetry and Verse”
    • Chapter 5, “Folklore: A Literary Heritage”
    • Chapter 6, “Fantastic Literature: Fantasy and Science Fiction” (you may skip “A Close Look at The Underneath,” pp. 199–203; “A Close Look at The Storm in the Barn” pp. 204-205; and “A Close Look at Incarceron,” pp. 212-213)
  • For this week’s Application, read:
    • *3–5 poems from one collection of poetry
    • *2 examples of folklore, each a different type
    • 1 fantasy or science fiction book from the following list:
      • Tuck Everlasting
      • Charlotte’s Web
      • James and the Giant Peach
      • Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH
      • A Wrinkle in Time


*You may select examples from the booklists provided at the end of Chapters 4 and 5, or choose independently.


Optional Resources



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