i need help article critique

Here are the intrustions. 

Unit III Article Review In this lesson police corruption and police ethics are discussed. This assignment provides you with an opportunity to further explore one of these topics by reviewing an article on this matter. Through the CSU Online Library, locate one article from a professional journal. This article should be no more than four (4) years old and at least three (3) pages in length. Topics may be any of the following:  police corruption including preventative measures such as policies and procedures, training, supervision, organizational culture, or early warning systems  police ethics If you are unsure if the article selected meets these requirements, please contact your professor. The purpose of an article review is to let other readers know what the work is about so that they may decide whether they want to read the work. Other readers probably have not read the article, so the review should not only describe the work, but also evaluate it. Include each of the following within your article review: 1. An introduction to the article 2. The key points from the article 3. A summary of the article’s conclusion 4. An evaluation of the article, to include: a. Why is this article important? b. Should others read it? c. Was the article well-written (organized, easy to understand, etc.)? d. What is your perspective and opinion on the article? The completed article review has to be a minimum of three (3) full pages in length, not including the title page, abstract, and reference page. The article review should be written in paragraph format. This article review requires APA style formatting, including the citing of key points and material utilizing in-text citations and references.

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