inf322 0

Show a SQL Query and screenshot your results in a Word document to submit to your instructor. There will be 4 results with explanations required for this assignment.

Part 1

1.  Please download, unzip, and open this zip file of the MS Access Customer Service Database. 

2.  Save your database.

3.  You should now be able to use MS Access and the database created to complete the assignment.

Part 2

1.  Add 10 customers to the database using the “Customers” table.

2.  Using SQL query, update one customer. Show before and after data as well as the SQL Code.

3.  Add an eleventh customer and then delete them with a SQL Query, Show before and after data as well as the SQL Code.

4.  Write a report showing your customers identify the primary key in the table you are reporting on. Show the results of your Report via a screen shot.

5.  Upload a copy of the database using “Customer Service” and student First and Last name as the file name.

All data and screen shots should be included in a word document with a brief explanation of the actions you performed.


WK 5 Assignment

Final Project

The Final Project consists of building a customer service database to be submitted by the final day of the course.

Focus of the Project

1. Use the Access database you created in Week 3: Customer Service Database

2. Output 3 queries using SQL code and not the standard access view:

  • A query on all contacts in the customers table showing first name, last name, address, e-mail address and three additional fields from the table.
  • An update query that changes one or more customer records but not all records.
  • A delete query that removes one or more customer records but not all records.

3. Using SQL commands, add a new field called Birthday to the Customers table. Populate some of the fields with data.

4. Report on Customers in Database showing Names, State, and Phone Numbers.

5. Create a report showing contact name and birthdays. Do not show records without a birthday.

6. Analyze the data populated in the Database to show referential integrity. This includes a statement showing what the

     affected tables in each dataset are and how they are impacted in the case of an addition of data or a deletion of data.

7. All data and screen shots should be included in a Word document with a brief explanation of the actions you performed

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