interpreting financial results 7

Resource:  Financial Statements for the company assigned by your instructor in Week 2.  WHOLE FOODS MARKET, INC

Review the assigned company’s financial statements from the past three years.

 Calculate the financial ratios for the assigned company’s financial statements, and then interpret those results against company historical data as well as industry benchmarks: (NOTE: Professor stated total 8 financial Ratios is good enough. Includes  (2)liquidity, (2)Efficiency , (2)Profitability Ratios, and (2)Leverage)

 Compare the financial ratios with each of the preceding three (3) years (e.g. 2014 with 2013; 2013 with 2012; and 2012 with 2011).

 Compare the calculated financial ratios against the industry benchmarks for the industry of your assigned company.

 Write a 500 to 750 word summary of your analysis. 


Show financial calculations where appropriate.

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