movie review



For this exercise option, you must select from one of the approved films listed below. Watch the film and then write a three-page (double-spaced, Times New Roman font, 12-point, 1 inch margins) paper that provides a brief overview of the film and relates it to a topic discussed in the course such as marriage and family, globalization, religion, gender, social organization, identity, ethnocentrism, race or ethnicity. If you have another film in mind that you think

would be appropriate, communicate

Whale Rider

Fast Runner (Atanarjuat)
The Milagro Beanfield War The Boy in the Striped Pajamas


Who is Dayani Cristal? Babel
God Grew Tired of Us
Krippendorf’s Tribe

Rabbit-Proof Fence Reel Injun
Hotel Rwanda Smoke Signals Born Into Brothels 


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