normal mode eigenvector

Consider the mechanical system with three degrees of freedom shown below. The positions of the particles are measured from their equilibrium positions. The system has a normal mode eigenvector (19.13, b, 19.13)T.


 If all particles start from their equilibrium positions and the leftmost and rightmost particles are given a velocity of 5.77 ms-1, the velocity of the middle particle is -48.16 ms-1, the system will oscillate in a normal mode.

Determine the value of b, giving your answer to 3 decimal places.Consider the mechanical system with three degrees of freedom shown below. The positions of the particles are measured from their equilibrium positions. The system has a normal mode eigenvector (19.13, b, 19.13)T.

 If all particles start from their equilibrium positions and the leftmost and rightmost particles are given a velocity of 5.77 ms-1, the velocity of the middle particle is -48.16 ms-1, the system will oscillate in a normal mode.

Determine the value of b, giving your answer to 3 decimal places.

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