physicsmd1slelectric currents

In the session long projects for this class, you will be asked to conduct experiments in a “virtual” laboratory. For Module 1 you will run a simulation that allows you to investigate current and voltages across resistors in a purely resistive circuit.

Click on the following link to access the simulation .

Fendt, W. (2002). Combinations of resistors (Java simulation). Retrieved on 13 Nov 07 from

Set up the simulation as shown below. Perform the following tasks. Note: You should NOT calculate the answers. Find them using the simulation.

1. Find the voltages (V1 and V2) and current (A) across the following sets of series circuits (see figure above) where the voltage source is 12 VDC.

a. R1=50Ω, R2=100Ω

b. R1=100Ω, R2=200Ω

c. R1=200Ω, R2=400Ω


Set up the simulation as shown below. Perform the following tasks. Note: You should NOT calculate the answers. Find them using the simulation.

2. Find the voltage (V) and currents (A, A1, A2) across the following sets of parallel circuits where the voltage source is 12 VDC.

a. R1=50Ω, R2=100Ω

b. R1=100Ω, R2=200Ω

c. R1=200Ω, R2=400Ω

Write a one to two page paper summarizing the results of your experiment and discussing these results in terms of what you discovered about Ohm’s law, series and parallel circuits, and Kirchoff’s law.

SLP Assignment Expectations:

In general, SLPs are expected to possess the attributes of precision, clarity, breadth, depth, and applicability. Not all of these are relevant to the answer to every problem in the SLP. When it is relevant, the evidence for each attribute is as follows.

  • Precision: Numerical answers are calculated correctly, to the correct number of significant figures. When a simulation is used, the results are accurate.
  • Clarity: The problem is restated in its simplest form. Relevant variables are identified. Formulas are algebraically rearranged, as necessary. All the mathematical steps are shown, in logical order.
  • Breadth: Where discussion is required, the question is placed in context. Alternatives are considered.
  • Depth: Where discussion is required, the question is examined in detail. No relevant aspect of the question is omitted.
  • Applicability: When required, the practical importance of the principle or phenomenon is accurately described.
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