Quantitative Methods and Analysis #4

Using AIU’s survey responses from the AIU data set, complete the following requirements in the form of a 2-page report:


Perform the following two-tailed hypothesis test, using a .05 significance level:

  • Intrinsic by Gender
  • State the null and an alternate statement for the test
  • Use Microsoft Excel (Data Analysis Tools) to process your data and run the appropriate test. Copy and paste the results of the output to your report in Microsoft Word.
  • Identify the significance level, the test statistic, and the critical value.
  • State whether you are rejecting or failing to reject the null hypothesis statement.
  • Explain how the results could be used by the manager of the company.


Perform the following two-tailed hypothesis test, using a .05 significance level:

  • Extrinsic variable by Position Type
  • State the null and an alternate statement for the test
  • Use Microsoft Excel (Data Analysis Tools) to process your data and run the appropriate test.
  • Copy and paste the results of the output to your report in Microsoft Word.
  • Identify the significance level, the test statistic, and the critical value.
  • State whether you are rejecting or failing to reject the null hypothesis statement.
  • Explain how the results could be used by the manager of the company.

GENERAL ANALYSIS (Research Required)

Using your textbook or other appropriate college-level resources:

  • Explain when to use a t-test and when to use a z-test. Explore the differences.
  • Discuss why samples are used instead of populations.

The report should be well written and should flow well with no grammatical errors. It should include proper citation in APA formatting in both the in-text and reference pages and include a title page, be double-spaced, and in Times New Roman, 12-point font. APA formatting is necessary to ensure academic honesty.

Be sure to provide references in APA format for any resource you may use to support your answers.




The Ethics of Research

Learning to carry out professional research is a skill that becomes invaluable in your career as a marketer. Ethical considerations are an integral part of any successful research endeavor.


Select a scholarly empirical journal article** in Business from the library’s full-text databases.

  • Paragraph 1: Provide a quick overview of the study.
  • Paragraph 2: Analyze the way the research study was completed from an ethical standpoint.
  • Paragraph 3: Assess if it was done well or not based on what you have learned so far.

This post must be 3 paragraphs in length. Since you are doing research, there must be citations in the body of the post and a reference list at the end. The goal is to apply learned concepts in order to show your understanding. You should steer away from quotations; they do not showcase your knowledge.

**What is a Scholarly Empirical Journal Article?

The article must end with a large reference list (more than 10 articles) and will contain citations in the body of the article. The article must describe a primary research study with human subjects. A description of the survey, methodology, data collection, analysis, and conclusions are included in the article. Once you have located an applicable source from AIU’s library, save a copy in Word or PDF.

Please do not use quotes or copy definitions. You will not receive credit for understanding the materials if you use the words of others. Keep in mind that since you did research and you have citations in the body of the post, you must also place a reference list at the end containing the textbook and the articles cited.

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