1. Find the 5-number summary for the Midterm 1 data. 2. Find the 5-number summary for the Midterm 2 data. 3. Draw…

1. Find the 5-number summary for the Midterm 1 data.

2. Find the 5-number summary for the Midterm 2 data.

3. Draw two boxplots – one for the Midterm 1 data and one for the Midterm 2 data – side-by-side and compare.

4. Compute the mean and standard deviation for the Midterm 1 data.

5. Compute the mean and standard deviation for the Midterm 2 data.

6. Create a new variable for the differences in the score. For example, the first student in the Excel file scored 50 on Midterm 1 and 44 on Midterm 2, so this student should have a difference of Midterm 2 – Midterm 1 = 44 – 50 = -6 (the score went down from MT1 to MT2 so the difference should be negative.

7. Find the 5-number summary, mean, and standard deviation for Differences data. Create a histogram for the Differences.

8. Create a scatterplot for the Midterm 1 vs. Midterm 2 paired data, using Midterm 1 as the explanatory variable.

9. Find the equation of the linear regression model for the data you plotted in #8. Compute the R^2 value for this fit.

10. Write a paragraph or two interpreting all of the results from questions #1-9. 

Midterm 1 Midterm 2
50 44
50 36
49 25
48 43
45 38
43 50
43 41
42 40
41 44
41 43
37 17
36 25
36 23
35 19
33 43
33 14
33 17
32 29
32 15
32 29
32 21
32 27
30 3
29 13
29 31
23 9
21 11
21 15
18 18


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