1 or 2 slides about Growing the Mamas and Papas brand, business and finance homework help




I have an assignment which is I’m a member of a team and I’m responsible for one question which is number five.

HBS Case

: Growing the Mamas and Papas brand.

1. To what extent was the Mamas and Papas brand appealing to its customers? Discuss segmentation and positioning.

2. Discuss current brand architecture of Mamas and Papas brand.

3. How do economic, competitive and environmental factors impact Mamas and Papas business model?

4. To what extent was the Mamas and Papas brand appealing to its customers?

a. Discuss segmentation and positioning.

b. Discuss current brand architecture of Mamas and Papas brand.

5. Which of the additional opportunities (TV, online, book club) should Motlekar take advantage of to expand her brand? Generate and evaluate multiple ideas/alternatives and formulate reasoned solutions to Moletkar’s problems based on environmental and competitive realities in the SA market.

The case in the attachment.


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