1 write an executive summary explaining fifo and lifo deliverable 2 create an executive summary of leadership operations management and the impact of fraud


Analyze decisions that impact the healthcare delivery system.


The Gotham City Hospital, a mid-sized hospital, has hired you as an expert consultant for healthcare organizations. They have requested an executive summary, between 3-4 pages that explains to their management team (administrators and medical staff) the difference between FIFO and LIFO delivery systems. The summary needs to cover both the risks and benefits the two delivery systems could have in the procurement and use of medical resources at the hospital.

Write an executive summary of at least 3 pages comparing and contrasting the use of FIFO and LIFO supply chains in a healthcare setting.

Make sure that the Executive Summary includes the following;

  • Address the benefits and risks of using a FIFOdelivery system in a healthcare setting.
  • Address the benefits and risks of using a LIFOdelivery system in a healthcare setting.
  • Make a recommendation based on your research and back it up with evidence.

NOTE – APA formatting in the reference list and proper grammar, punctuation, and form are required. APA help is available from this link – APA. Competency

Analyze leadership challenges in healthcare.

#-2 Instructions

Healthcare leadership is often tasked with some of the most difficult challenges when it comes to leading. As a leader in D’Wellington Healthcare Group (DWHCG), which is a health plan, you are asked to assess and develop a strategic SWOT analysis that will help lead the organization into a company that will be able to compete on a national basis in the next 3-5 years.
For this assignment, you will focus on an in-depth path of leadership, operations management, and the impact of fraud and abuse in healthcare; then create an executive summary.

NOTE – APA formatting and proper grammar, punctuation, and form are required. APA help is available from this link – APA.

  1. Explain what particular type of leadership style is needed to begin a robust leadership that contributes to growing the healthcare organization.
    1. Describe what leadership is.
    2. Discuss some leadership styles used in healthcare.
    3. Compare and contrast leadership styles in healthcare.
  1. Design and create the role of your Operations Manager, so that person can be empowered to be more effective in that role.
    1. Decisions support systems.
    2. Communication availability and use.
    3. Technology availability and use.
  1. Put a system in place to limit the likelihood of being able to commit fraud.
    1. Focus on efficiency using decision support system resources.
    2. Describe technology software that could add value to an anti-fraud system.
    3. Explain the compliance and regulatory rulings regarding healthcare fraud.
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