1given economic gap between soviet union and western world what extent did goals collectiviz

1.Given the economic gap between the Soviet Union and the Western world, to what extent did the goals of collectivization and the Five year Plans justify the tremendous cost borne by the Soviet people?



2.Below is a list of WW II battles/conflicts.  Specify for each whether the Axis powers of the Allied powers gained an advantage over their enemies.  Provide a brief (two to three sentences) explanation for each to support your choice.

  • Battle of Britain
  • War in the Balkans
  • Pearl Harbor
  • Battle of the Coral Sea
  • Battle of the Midway
  • Battle of Stalingrad


3.Create timelines of the first Russian revolution in 1917 and the revolutionary events of 1985 to 1991.  Then write a paragraph about the impact of the second revolution on Russia today.

Research Russian politics today.  Pay attention to the following in your timeline and paragraph:

  • Is there still a Communist party?  Is it trying to undo democratic reforms?
  • Include events on your timelines.
  • Illustrate your timelines with photographs, drawings or political cartoons.
  • Evaluate how successful you think that second Russian revolution was.  Do you think that change will be long lasting?
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