2 assignments mse

Write 400 – 600 words on either of the two below assignment options.
find three different types of jobs engineers might have.
Possible sources of information include professional societies
ASME American Society Of Mechanical Engineers
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
ME Society of Manufacturing Engineers
ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers
ASM   American Society of Materials
SAMPE Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering
ACM Association for Computing Machinery

Assignment #2

Write a 1.75 3.00 page(s) paper regarding the following: 

  1. Do you believe that people succeed because of their ability, That some people “have it” while others don’t? Or do you believe that people succeed because of their effort? Which do you think is more important: ability or effort? Why?
  2. Discuss the benefits of working with other students on your academic work?


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