2ip training and development

The Director of Sales, Jorge Muñoz, has approached you to recommend training for new sales representatives.

In the form of an e mail (placed in a Word Document), complete the following:

  • Identify the training objectives
    • What will the trainee know and be able to do upon completion of training?
    • Include the quality of performance and the conditions under which performance occurs.
  • Write up an audience analysis that includes the following:
    • skills, needs, and interests of the target training group
    • relevant background knowledge
    • when, where, and how the training should be delivered
    • any additional information you think is important to include
  • Direct your recommendations to Mr. Muñoz

To help you identify the type of work sales representatives perform, check out the Occupational Outlook Handbook published by the U.S. Department of Labor – Bureau of Labor Statistics. Perform your search by job title or by using an alphabetical search.


Use APA formatting with in text citations and references page.

Must include Title page including running head, abstract, and reference page all in APA format.

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