3 2 american ex and motivation

Read the case at the end of Chapter 6 (Colquitt) entitled “American Express” and answer case questions 1 and 2. For those of you with Hellriegel, read the case at the end of Chapter 6 entitled ‘Self Competency’ and answer case questions 1 and 2.


Remember to respond to at least two of your fellow learners with a positive yet critical analysis of their discussion. Support your conclusions and arguments with 2 3 outside reference


my answers to the questions need.




As an employee of American Express, I would feel good about the bonus being tied to the customers. It does not affect your base so it is all extra potential money that can be made. It would make me work hard to learn how to be better when dealing with the customers. You can set goals for yourself to see how many customers referred the company. Once the bonuses start rolling in, it would be the ultimate motivator to make more. Some downsides to this would be that your bonus is in the hands of the customer, not yourself. You have to hope that they will refer the company to a friend. You can be the most driven, passionate, and courteous person but you might get stuck with all angry and upset customers. You do not have the control which can make it not motivating if you don’t receive a decent bonus.

The strategy that I find to be the most motivating would be the intrinsic motivation. Having your own business cards, changing the job title, and having a flexible schedule. Having a call center job seems to be like the movie Ground Hogs Day where every day is the same. It can become very monotonous and tedious. Having these little changes can change the way you approach your job. That feeling of importance.

As an American Express employee who relied on customers recommendation to up my salary would be very hard for me. I am a horrible sales person and the thought that someone else’s word of mouth depended on me making my mortgage would be hard to handle. 

I guess the up side to that would of course be a large bonus if you were successful. But but then the next month you were having an off month and didn’t get a referral and now you find yourself short on your mortgage and bills. 

For me the flexibly scheduling would be the most compelling reason to work there. I am an early riser and if I could be on an earlier schedule that would help me a ton.












As you consider the ways that organizations can assist in the motivation of individuals to achieve more for the organization, analyze your organization and discuss some of the ways in which it can do a better job of motivating the employees through empowerment and involvement. Discuss two of the models listed in Chapter 5.

Remember to respond to at least two of your fellow learners with a positive yet critical analysis of their discussion.  Support your conclusions and arguments with 2 3 outside references.





POST 1 :Motivation is important, it not only assist in getting the most out of employees, but it also helps retain the best employees. The organization I work for already has a lot of great recognition programs; the problem is that the direct manager does not make them available to us. I think it would motivate our team if our management group would use the resources provided by the organization. They can start by recognizing the members of our team who go beyond what is expected. Management should also use the flexible work schedule program available to employees instead of making us feel like we are prisoners of our work schedule. Some employees prefer to come in early and some a little later. If the company already offers it, then management in our department should not make it difficult for us to have a flex schedule. Motivation is increased when communication is improved, employee recognition and rewards for good work are implemented, and when responsibility increases. Employees who are given more responsibility will feel a greater ownership in the business and will be more motivated to work harder to make the business succeed.


Griffin, R. W., & Moorhead, G. (2008). Organizational behavior. (10th ed.). Mason: South Western Pub.

Ricky, W., & Griffin, W. (2011). Management. (11 ed.). USA, Mason: Nelson Education, Ltd.





POST2:Goal Setting Theory is a good way for employers to motivate their employees because it provides an agreed upon goal and outcome that the employee must achieve in order to receive the reward. This empowers the employee not only to come up with the goal to achieve with the employers buyin, but also what success looks like in the end. This also is a good way employers can differentiate between others and their rewards as everyone’s goals will be different.

S.M.A.R.T Goals are also a good way to assess performance. Since they are Specific, Measureable, Achievable, Results based, and Time Sensitive. Like the Goal Setting Theory the SMART goals also are mutually agreed upon by the employer and the employee. The goals have to be met in order to be rewarded and will be different amongst the staff. Employers can link rewards directly to the goal achievement. “Performance agreements reduce ambiguity and sets the stage for top performance.” Where I work at Amgen we use SMART Goals to establish our goals and then we are rated against those goals during our annual performance review. I think it is a great tool for a “fair” way to evaluate and reward employees.

Locke, E. A. (1990). A theory of goal setting & task performance.. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall.

Moglia, T. (1997). Crisp: Partners in Performance: Successful Performance Management (Fifty Minute Series). Crisp Learning

Colquitt, J. A., Lepine, J. A., & Wesson, M. J. (2013). Organizational behavior imporving performance and commitment in the workplace. (3rd ed. ed.). New Yory, NY: McGraw Hill/Irwin.




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