4 5 page paper 1

You will present a 4 5 page position paper, responding to the question:  

Best practices in workplace communication: What is the most important skill of effective communicators?

Webster Dictionary defines argument as a statement leading from a premise to a conclusion. A premise is a 

supporting statement, containing facts that support the conclusion. A conclusion is the supported statement, that is, 

one can accept it as true on the basis of the premises that support it. Premises cannot be opinions; they must be

acceptable and relevant facts that supply us with information to support the conclusion. You should use at least 3 

scholarly sources in presenting your premises to support your conclusion.  Present an argument in which you identify the 

most important skill necessary for being an effective communicator in the workplace. Maybe it is listening? Maybe it is 

making a presentation? Maybe it is persuasive writing? Maybe it is another skill? Of all the skills needed to communicate 

effectively in the workplace, choose one and present an argument as to why it is the most important.

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