4 essays 350 words each

1) Discuss the social contract theory and the political philosophers like John Locke, Thomas Hobbes, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau who influenced the development of the theory.

Your essay response should comprehensibly address all parts of the question (350 words), utilize at least two references, and be written in APA format.

2) Discuss Sir Robert’s Peel’s principles of policing and their impact on today’s policing. Provide examples.

Your essay response should comprehensibly address all parts of the question (350 words), utilize at least two references, and be written in APA format

3) Discuss Max Weber’s principles of organization (bureaucratic model) and apply them to police organizations.

Your essay response should comprehensibly address all parts of the question (350 words), utilize at least two references, and be written in APA format.

4) How do law enforcement agencies recruit and hire the most qualified candidates? Be sure to address the applicable federal laws that impact the hiring process, effective recruiting methods for building a diverse law enforcement agency, and the hiring process itself.

Your essay response should comprehensibly address all parts of the question (350 words), utilize at least two references, and be written in APA format

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