4 pages essay sociological analysis

  • Choose from a variety of media forms: a TV program (a sitcom, drama, news program, etc.), radio program, film, or a story in a popular magazine or newspaper.
  • Include in your paper the following sections, clearly labeled:
    1. An introduction section in which you briefly summarize the media piece you chose to analyze.
    2. A section in which you discuss how the media piece you chose is an agent of socialization. Be sure to refer to and properly cite the course material in this section.
    3. A section in which you analyze the media you chose, using a sociological perspective. Apply at least three sociological concepts you’ve learned throughout the course. Examples of sociological concepts include gender roles, authority, stereotype, ethnic group, class, and deviance. In this section, discuss which of the major sociological theories (functionalist, conflict, interactionist) you think is most useful for understanding your media piece and why. Be sure to refer to and properly cite the course material in this section.
    4. A conclusion section in which you summarize your main points.
  • Your Media Analysis submission should contain four to six pages of text (double spaced), not including a title and reference page. Submissions should be in APA format.
  • In the reference list, cite the course text (which also should be referenced in the body of your paper to support your points, as noted above) and provide a citation for the media piece you chose. Outside sources are not required, but if used should be cited properly in APA format.
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