5 pages management information systems assignment based case study provided attachement

2. Individual Case Assignment


For the case assignment, you will investigate the firm’s problem(s) as they relate to Information Systems and prepare a written paper for the case. The individual case must be completed by each student and submitted for grade by the due date listed in the course schedule.  The individual case assignments are noted on Blackboard under Upload Assignments.

Refer to the rubric and in addition the following instructions.  Points will be deducted if these instructions are not followed:

1) The report should be up to 5 pages using Times New Roman font size 12, double or 1.5 spaced in MS Word format.

2) Use appropriate 1 inch margins, headings and sub headings to correspond to the sections mentioned below

3) DO NOT leave any blank lines between sections, paragraphs or headings

4) Use the following naming convention for your document: (Last name)(First initial)(IndCase) (Example: GudiAIndCase.docx where docx is the MS Word extension).

Executive summary – a couple of short paragraphs which summarize the remainder of the report

Background – use this section to lead in to your Problem Statement; identify symptoms, critical factors and the current state

Problem Statement – a succinct statement of the problem/dilemma/issue, preferably in a single declarative sentence; be careful to identify the real problem and not the symptoms of the problem 

Analysis – apply models, course content, and outside research to support your position; logically discuss options, implications and tradeoffs

Recommendations and Conclusions – these should be your recommendations regarding how the organization should deal with the problem; they should be fully supported by the Analysis section

Appendices – References and Charts – does not count towards the 5 pages


Citations must be referenced according to APA style.

Appropriate references:  This is a library research paper and you must use at least 3 different sources, not including textbooks. These sources should be company websites, industry sources, journal articles, periodicals, such as the Wall Street Journal, Business Week, and so on, and governmental sources such as the SEC. Wikipedia and other similar sources are not to be used in this course.


The rubric to be used for grading all cases is shown below (refer to “Case Grading Rubric”).





Earning maximum points in each box in ‘PROFICIENT’ column and / or points in columns to the right of ‘PROFICIENT’ meets standard.


<<<<<<<<<< less quality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . more quality >>>>>>>>>>

Performance Criteria

Basic             (2 pt)*

Developing (3.25 pts)*

Proficient          (4.0 pts)*

Accomplished   (4.5 pts)*

Exemplary           (5 pts)*


Identifies and describes problem/s effectively

Does not state problem(s) or identify symptoms, critical factors and current state in Background discussion.

Somewhat states problem(s) in multiple sentences. May identify symptoms, critical factors and current state in Background discussion.

States problem(s) in multiple sentences.  Identifies symptoms, critical factors and current state in Background discussion.

 States problem(s) clearly in one sentence. Identifies symptoms, critical factors and current state in Background discussion.

States problem(s) clearly and concisely in one sentence. Effectively and completely identifies symptoms, critical factors and current state in Background discussion.


Applies Information Systems management models 

Does not apply IS models, course content, and outside research to support position.

Applies some IS models, course content, and outside research to support position.

Applies IS models, course content, and outside research to support position.

Applies most IS models, course content, and outside research to support position.

Completely and effectively applies IS models, course content, and outside research to support position.


Analyzes case, and recommends actions 

Does not discuss options and/or implications and tradeoffs. May not support position with research.

 Somewhat discusses options, implications and tradeoffs logically. Some research supports position.

Discusses options, implications and tradeoffs logically. Supports position with research. Flows smoothly into Recommendations

Discusses most options, implications and tradeoffs logically. Position well supported with research. Flows smoothly into Recommendations

Completely and effectively discusses options, implications and tradeoffs logically. Fully supports position with research. Flows smoothly into Recommendations.


Uses effective writing organization and format

Does not communicate in clear, logical, and grammatically correct language. Does not use primary research sources and/or incorrect APA format.

Communicates in ambiguous, and/or and grammatically incorrect language. Uses marginal primary research sources and/or partially correct APA format.

Communicates in clear, logical, and grammatically correct language. Uses adequate primary research sources and correct APA format.

 Communicates in exceptionally clear, logical, and grammatically correct language. Uses substantial research sources and correct APA format.

Communicates in exceptionally clear, logical, and grammatically correct language. Uses significant primary research sources (at least 3 excluding textbook) and correct APA format.


OVERALL GRADE (20 total possible points)*:


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