900-1500 word essay over the attached clip on why the United States got involved in WWI

Compose a 900-1500 word essay on the following topic using specific examples and supporting evidence pertaining to the objectives.  Be sure to cite (in APA format) any resources that you use, including your textbook.

Watch the following film clip regarding the end of the first World War and then complete the essay assignment below:

WWI Armistice…..https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4SqDZbLyljc

What were the specific reasons that the United States get involved in World War I? Why did Wilson abandon his policy of neutrality and justify American involvement in a European conflict?  What were the short-term and long-term effects of American participation in the war?

Writing Requirements (APA format)

   – 900-1500 words, not including title page or references page

   – 1-inch margins

   – Double spaced

   – 12 point Times New Roman font

   – Cover page with topic and name of student

   – References page

   – No abstract needed                                     

This activity will be graded using the Written Assignment Grading Rubric. 

Due Date: By 5:00 pm on Wednesday Central time zone.

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