Nursing research article

Choose a primary nursing research article of interest from a refereed nursing journal. Attach a copy of the article.Begin your critique by identifying the:article’s title author(s)date of publication name of the journal or other publication in which it appeared Where and when was the article published?

In your introduction, you should also briefly describe the purpose and nature of the study and, if applicable, its theoretical framework.If the paper was not published in a peer-reviewed journal, consider the credibility of the publication in which it appeared.

If you are reviewing a research study, organize the body of your critique according to the paper’s structure. Start with a brief description and analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the research design and methodology.

For example:How does the method reflect other studies of the same topic? (sample, data collection, setting).What makes this method feasible?How realistic is it?

How does the method address questions of validity?How does the researcher overcome the limitations of the method?Are there large limitations or minor ones?

How will these limitations affect your ability to use this data to answer your research question?Describe the results by answering:How were the results interpreted?

How were they related to the original problem … Read the rest

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