Nursing Informatics and Organizational Decision

Nursing Informatics and Organizational Decision Making Click on E-Book: Chapter 9 Scroll down & click on Chapter 13 Workflow and Beyond Meaningful Use. Click on E-Book: Chapter 13 Format Do not use quotations in this discussion. Paraphrase your sources. DIRECTIONS: Consider the Electronics systems used at the place you work (hospital). If not currently working in healthcare, consider the systems used in a former healthcare job or clinical site while in nursing school. Identify the weaknesses and strengths based on Workflow Analysis. This part of the assignment will be based on your own experiences and observations but must also be supported from the literature. How would you implement the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) to improve the system weaknesses and needs you identified? What approach to the SDLC would you take, if you were in charge of the changes to be made? Support your analysis, recommendations, and approach from the literature. Support with 2 scholarly peer reviewed journal articles. References must be PEER REVIEWED JOURNALS, LESS than 5 YEARS OLD, and from the UNITED STATES. (Your text book may be used as a source but does NOT count toward the 2 required references). Your discussion post should be no less than 250 words and no more than 300-words. References do not count in the word count but citations do. APA formatting applies and includes the following A) In text citations in APA format B) Reference list in APA format (include doi) Grading Rubric: Initiative 1. Considers the electronics/informatics systems used in the workplace 2. Identifies weaknesses and strengths based on Workflow Analysis 3. Discusses use of the SDLC to improve weaknesses and needs identified 4. Identifies which approach to using the SDLC is chosen. 5. Supports position from the nursing literature, using at least two (2) recent peer reviewed journals Contribution of New Ideas 1. Contributed new information to the discussion by bringing in relevant ideas from outside course (prior knowledge). 2. Shared new perspective or analysis of ideas. 3. Substantive comments and questions that significantly helped to move the discussion forward. Expression of Ideas; APA Style 1. Elaborated on ideas of others, including instructor, and classmates, by sharing additional examples and adding further explanation 2. Discussion was expressed in a clear and respectful manner 3. APA style adhered to.

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