Nursing Informatics

NUR 420 Nursing Informatics Essay NUR 420 Nursing Informatics Nursing Informatics: Current Issue/Trend Presentation: 150 points • The student will choose an informatics topic of interest; examples of topics are listed in D2L under assignments • The student will complete a literature review and provide a brief history of the topic as well as apply a theory (information, change, system, chaos, human computer) as discussed in class to the topic of interest. • The student will discuss how the current issue/trend is impacting the nursing profession and workforce as well as predict how this trend will impact future practice and patient care (healthcare outcomes) • The student will discuss how the technology will optimize patient safety • The student will discuss how the technology will be or will not be cost effective NUR 420 Nursing Informatics Essay • The student will present how this trend has or will have any potential for ethical, legal and social issues • Finally, a recommendation for nursing leaders related to this trend will be presented • On the due date, the student will upload their presentation to the assignment dropbox, as well as post their presentation to the discussion board and be responsible for leading the discussion • You are required to read your peer’s presentations and post a minimum of three responses during the week; these responses are ungraded, however, failure to participate in these discussion boards as required will lower your participation grade from previous discussion forum grades as per faculty judgement • Take the time to review and learn something new!! • NOTE: This assignment will be turned into the course dropbox and will be evaluated using plagiarism detection software, TURNITIN. Topic Ideas: NUR 420 Nursing Informatics Essay *This is a list of ideas to get your creative juices flowing! This is NOT an all- inclusive list; just a list of ideas and you may choose a topic that is not listed below. Please review your current technology situation in your professional environment and choose a topic that interests you. If you have a question about choosing a topic, please email me* 1. Technology disaster readiness 2. System interoperability 3. Patient record privacy 4. Health Information Exchange 5. Barcode Medication Administration 6. Big Data 7. Electronic Health Record selection and implementation 8. Telehealth 9. Quality Assurance in informatics 10. Electronic Health Record usability 12. Standardized terminology 13. Personal health records 14. Nanotechnology California University of PA NUR 420 Nursing Informatics 15. Population health technologies 16. Use of personal technology devices (Fitbit, etc.) NUR 420 Nursing Informatics Essay 17. Virtual reality in healthcare 18. Robotics in healthcare 19. Biometrics 20. The possibilities are endless…. Nursing Informatics Trend Grading Rubric Desсrіption of Criteria Points Assigned Points Received Overview of trend and literature The presentation provides a brief outline of the literature review complete with a brief history of the topic. Covers three to five articles. 20 Informatics trend The presentation clearly describes the application of an information systems or human-computer interfaces theory to the topic; and provides a definition of the theory and how this would directly apply to the topic at hand. 25 Relevance The presentation clearly discusses how the current trend is: 1. impacting the nursing profession and workforce currently 2. how this trend will impact future practice and patient care 30 Patient safety and cost effectiveness The presentation clearly discussed how the topic will optimize patient safety and whether or not the topic is cost effective. 20 Ethical or legal issues The presentation discusses how this trend is or will impact productivity as well as any potential or current ethical or legal issues associated 10 Leadership Content The presentation provides a clear recommendation for nursing leaders and nursing executives related to the future impact of this trend/need for nursing leadership action or involvement 10 Participation The student is actively engaged in the discussion forum answering classmate’s questions and posts on own PPT during the presentation week Reviewed peers’ PPT presentations Posted replies to at least three peers on three separate days 10 California University of PA NUR 420 Nursing Informatics PowerPoint presentation 1. A title slide and conclusion slide are present 2. The slides include brief statements or bullet points that make the content understandable NUR 420 Nursing Informatics Essay 3. The slides are organized and easy to follow 4. The template and colors selected make the slides easy to read and interesting 15 Scholarly writing and formatting 1. APA format is followed correctly 2. Spelling, grammar and punctuation free from error 3. Any URL links provided in the presentation function properly 10 Total Points 150

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