design a health system with information about doctors and patients.
You are required to design a health system with information about doctors and patients.
Assume that there are:
50 Doctors
100 Nursing staff
Around 1000 patients.
You need to decide how would you like to represent the doctors, nursing staff and patients. For each of
these decide what variables should be there. Also, each of these will have one or more keys and a range
of values. Specify all of these.
Then specify the range of operations which will be needed for the health system. Keep in mind that it is
not a complete hospital management system. Mainly, the interest is in managing and searching the
records of doctors, nursing staff and patients.
For each of these operations, discuss the most suitable sorting or searching method and why your
chosen algorithm for each operation is the most appropriate. Your justification should talk about the
different properties of algorithms and explain as to why your chosen algorithm is best suited to the
problem in question.
After a number of years, the number of staff (doctors and nursing) and patients have almost doubled.
What changes, if any, would you make to your system so that it is still can be used effectively and