Self-Improvement Research

HA3110D – Quality Improvement and Risk Management

LP04.1 ASSIGNMENT: Self-Improvement Research

Last week, you chose a self-improvement project. This week, you will apply evidence-based research to your project. Evidence-based research is research that has been tested, studied, and proven to be safe; it is not opinion.


Part 1: Background Research

Find at least two (2) scholarly sources or articles about your chosen topic from the NAU Online Library. (For information on what constitutes a reliable source, see the NAU Online Library tutorial “Scholarly vs. Popular.”)

Find at least one (1) reliable website about your chosen topic. (For information on what constitutes a reliable website, see the NAU Online Library tutorial “Finding Credible Websites: Evaluating Internet Sources”)

Use the information from the scholarly sources and website you found to write a 650-700 word research summary. What do these source suggest about the evidence-based methods and techniques for your self-improvement?

Provide a reference list in APA style. (See the NAU Online Library’s “Quick Intro to APA Style” and APA style guide for assistance.)

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