The ethical use of behavioral conditioning (punishment) to control bed wetting in children•

For your Signature Paper in this course, you will take a stand on a controversy in learning theory. You may have already investigated topics such as:

• The ethical use of behavioral conditioning (punishment) to control bed wetting in children• The ability of learning theory to explain all facets of human psychological functioning• Whether males and females learn differently? (Does one gender excel the other on learning certain skills such as reasoning, mathematics, or social skills)• Do learning abilities actually decrease with age?

By now, you have gathered your resources, made an outline, and even identified any quotes or paraphrased ideas you want to include. This week, you will flesh out the outline and prepare your paper.

Support your paper with the reference list of the resources you’ve gathered throughout the course. These include reference works, full text e-books, research articles, and scholarly websites.

Length: 6-8 pages

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