discussion board response leadership amp amp change management atleast 400 words

Study the case Wellcome Israel (Jick & Peiperl, 2011). In this case, recipients of change are awaiting decisions from afar, particularly in a merger situation. As such, career decisions under uncertainty and conflict are at work.

In light of the reading for the week, discuss the following:

  • What is Sherman’s current predicament and how did it come about?
  • Thoughtfully evaluate her current actions to the point identified in the case
  • What do you think will likely happen to her in this apparent dilemma? Feel free to reasonably speculate.
  • If you were to provide advice to Sherman, what might that advice be?
  • Apply Biblical integration to support your response.

Discussion forum are the online component of the class. As such, they are a collaborative team oriented method of learning the course content. As such, each student Will provide a direct response to the discussion board question posted in each forum. Responses are required to be at least 400 words, demonstrates the competency and critical thinking skill as related to the topic under discussion. Further, a minimum of 3 peer-reviewed articles are required for each initial discussion board response.

Attached is the textbook scanned copy of the case.

Thank you for the help!

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