data collection tools disscuion and peer response

Please identify three data collection tools (ex: mail/phone surveys, intercept/arranged interviews, focus groups, Internet cookies) that you could use to survey possible stakeholders. After choosing your data collection methods, please answer the following questions:

  1. Statistically speaking, does your data collection method have a high or low participation rate?
  2. What information would you like to uncover during this process?
  3. Does your survey instruments violate HIPAA or any other healthcare laws?
  4. How can it benefit your organization?
  5. Please list two questions that you will include on your survey or questionnaire.


I would have to say the three data tools I would choose would be observation, survey, and one on one interviews. Surveys are a very common tool to use in a larger population and is used in a different number of reasons. Hipaa laws are there for reasons for the individual to keep them safe. My two questions would be. What could be changed or fulfulled differently? What can we do to serve you better?

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