Nonprofit Search Kids House of Seminole Inc Task
Step 1: Go to Nonprofit Search at (Links to an external site.)
Step 2: Go to “Cause Area (NTEE Category)” and search for an organization in the Central Florida area with the cause area of “Human Services”
Step 3: Go to “Subcause Area (NTEE Category)” and pick any of the subcause areas and search for an organization.
Step 4: Submit the answers to the following questions (2.5 points)
- What subcategory did you search?
- What is the name of the organization?
- What NTEE category do you think this organization would be in?
Step 5: Think about the organization you want to create for this course. Answer the following questions (2.5 points)
- Briefly explain the purpose of your organization.
- Which NTEE category do you think this organization would be in?
- Think about the Nonprofit Theories we discussed earlier in module 1…which nonprofit theory would support the creation of your organization? Please explain.