Health and Medical Discussion


Calculating Reading Levels

Post the Following

Choose a long passage (>30 sentences) from a site relevant to your proposed area of work/research interest (eg, grant proposal topic).

Paste the three sections of 10 sentences you will be used to calculate the reading level.

Calculate the grade reading level using the long method. Show your calculations.

See slide 17 of the Powerpoint presentation for complete directions.

Highlight, underscore or change the font color of all the polysyllabic (PS) words in the 30 sentences. (Leave these visible for me to check your work)

Count them. PS = _____

Estimate the square root (SQR) of the total number of polysyllabic words counted.
SQR = _____

Add a constant of three to the square root. SQR _____ + 3 = _____

This is your reading level.

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