What did you learn about labor relations from this website?

Module 7: Web Field Trip

Web Field Trip: Visit the National Labor Relations Board

For most of American history there we no laws or regulations directly addressing labor relations and collective bargaining. The first substantial legislation occurred with the passage of the National Labor Relations Act in 1935. Among other things, the law created a government structure and the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) to monitor and adjudicate the provisions of the law, which only applied to collective bargaining in the private sector. Starting in 1959, Wisconsin passed the first comprehensive public sector law which was followed by laws in at least 40 states.

The experience of the NLRB over 70 years has had a profound impact on the various public LMR statutes, for example, in the development of unfair labor practice (ULP) provisions.

Module 7: Web Field Trip Discussion

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Please visit the following website: https://www.nlrb.gov/ (Links to an external site.) .

What did you learn about labor relations from this website?

In addition to your formal post on the above question, be sure to react to the posts of at least two colleagues.

Module 7: Web Field Trip Discussion

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Please visit the following website: https://www.nlrb.gov/  (Links to an external site.).

What did you learn about labor relations from this website?

In addition to your formal entry on the above question, be sure to react to the entries of at least two colleagues.

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